These Really Are The Current GOP Goals
1. The elimination of public education. At best education is a tool for the creation of a worker class and a source of profit. Ignorance is much preferred.
2. Voting should only be for rich land owners (male and white) or not at all.
3. White is the preferred skin color. All other should be subservient. Racism is a tool to divide the poor.
4. The poor and middle class (while the middle class still exists) are there to serve the oligarchs.
5. Profits are the be all and end all plus you don't get any unless you are already white and rich.
6. Evangelical Christianity is the preferred religion. (It should be understood that the GOP leadership does not have time to practice what they preach.)
7. Government is there to corruptly serve the GOP, corporations and the rich.
8. Establishment of a Russian style corrupt plutocracy or even a neo-feudalistic society.
9. The elimination of or damage to democracy and a strong distrust of government.
10. After the Capitol Invasion where 5 people died, including a Capitol Policeman it is clear that the Republican party is pro-insurrection, anti-constitution.
(Note the color of this web page correstponds to the blood of the >400,000 Americans who have died with the Republican negligence this pandemic.)