Lord of the Lies

Donald John Trump is a flim flam man and foreign agent who sold Trump Voters a bill of goods

"President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin" - John McCain

"He's an idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails. We're in Crazytown." - Chief of Staff John Kelly on Donald Trump

"He's actually worse than a racist. He is so narcissistic, he doesn't see people as people. He seems them as objects in his field of vision. And so therefore, that's why he has no empathy." - Anthony Scaramucci on Donald Trump

Report on Donald Trump the Criminal (pdf)

Report on Donald Trump the Criminal (text)

Donald John Trump and his demented narcissistic sociopathic behavior:
1. A consumate liar. Very little does he speak that corresponds to the truth.
2. A con man who has cheated workers in the past. Including his personal driver.
3. An admirer of authoritarians and dictators such as Putin, Assad, Erdogan, and Kim Jong Un.
4. An enemy of clean Earth, water and air.
5. An enemy of regulations to protect the environment.
6. Conversely a pusher of fossil fuels which are killing the biosphere.
7. A man who thinks that women are only of value for their value to him.
8. 78 year old man who cannot learn. Except maybe new ways to steal money.
9. An older son of a man who died of alzheimers.
10. He is a complete liar. 30,000 documented lies in first term.
11. A friend of the rich. His cabinet has multiple billionaires and millionaires.
12. Under some sort of control by Vladimir Putin.
13. Pardoned a convicted criminal and civil rights abuser Arpaio.
14. Constantly funneling taxpayers dollars to his businesses.
15. Pushing a White Supremacist agenda.
16. Deliberately working to divide the country. (One of Putin's goals.)
17. Unsympathetic to the military or disaster related deaths.
18. An extremely racist individual who displays it daily.
19. Incompetent in all aspects of the job of President. Especially Foreign Policy
20. A narcissist sociopath who believes everything revolves around him.
21. Completely lacking in empathy.
22. Hates having people disagree with him. Especially women and minorities.
23. Is re-writing clean air and water rules to negatively impact the health of people.
24. The most corrupt administration in US history. Ever.
25. Appointed Ajit Pai to be FCC Chief in order to destroy Net Neutrality.
26. He sure is acting guilty for someone who claims there is no Collusion!
27. Handing secrets to Russia.
28. Destroying democracy to benefit oligarchs - both Russian and American.
29. Trashing the USA economy.
30. Altering USA foreign policy so as to benefit himself.
31. Placing relatives into positions of power.
32. Uses the power of the presidency for Obstruction of Justice.
33. Attacking US allies. Creating divisions.
34. Abusing his power by claiming the right to self-pardon.
35. A juvenile name caller.
36. Knows little about international trade.
37. Empowering non-allies such as Russia and China.
38. Along with Jeff Sessions kidnaps children from their parents at the USA border.
39. Attacking US allies. Creating divisions in EU and NATO.
40. Agent for Vladimir Putin. Completely subservient to him.
41. Colluded with retiring SCOTUS member to chose new pro-Corporate replacement.
42. Pardoned serial arsonists and child-abusers.
43. Hands out and revokes security clearances for political reasons.
44. Holds tons of loans from foreign countries. No US agencies would loan to him.
45. Received lots of money from Russian oligarchs.
46. Personally benefits from being the president.
47. Engaged in tax schemes to enrich himself through tax dodges.
48. Uses the power of the presidency to attack and defame individuals.
49. Conspired with retiring Justice Kennedy to get a corrupt Supreme Court Justice installed.
50. Tried to scam his own father out of millions of dollars.
51. Kowtows to Saudi Arabia, with the murderous, terrorist government, for monetary reasons.
52. Wants to be able to control citizenship of US citizens.
53. Kowtows to Turkey to allow the Kurds to be massacred.
54. Shuts down part of the US government for a wall Mexico was going to pay for,
55. but in reality he is deliberately damaging the US government.
56. Implements a sham National Emergency about his Wall that Mexico won't pay for then goes golfing.
57. After firing the recusing AG, hires one that is a Trump shill - William Barr.
58. Relentlessly continuing his barrage of lies and more lies.
59. Wallowing into a conflict with Iran. He created the conflict because of a bizarre hatred of Barack Obama.
60. Initiates an investigation of the investigation of his Russia dealings.
61. Doing irrepairable damage to the US reputation.
62. Attacking an American whilst praising a foreign dictator.
63. Has 26 credible accusations of sexual assault against him.
64. Makes racist attacks on members of congress.
65. Is known to have had a close relationship to Registered sex offender Jeff Epstein.
66. Makes racist attack on Baltimore.
67. Brags about crowd size at El Paso hospital visit.
68. Retweets conspiracy tweet about Epstein death.
69. Lies about voter fraud.
70. Has a fit about not being able to purchase Greenland.
71. Calls an ally nation's leader 'nasty'.
72. Trump's EPA is destroying regulations which protect the environment and you.
73. Already colluding with a foreign government toward the 2020 campaign.
74. Trump threatens the life of a CIA whistleblower.
75. Trump openly requests China assistance in his Campaign.
76. Betrays Kurdish allies.
77. Producing false nonsense documents to defend against impeachment.
78. Writes childish letter to Turkish President.
79. Has yet another fit of name calling with congressional leadership.
80. Called the US Constitution phony. The emoluments clause.
81. Compared constitutional impeachment to a lynching.
82. Attacks an active duty decorated army colonel.
83. Fights constantly to stop exposure of tax returns - despite promises.
84. Must pay 2 million dollars for misuse of charity.
85. Viciously attacks a 33 year career diplomat.
86. Attacks the discpline and chain of command of the US Military.
87. Openly attacks a 2nd FBI director for speaking the truth.
88. Attacks 16 year old climate change activist on Twitter.
89. Has top Iranian general killed by drone in Iraq. Likely as a distraction to impeachment.
90. As a consequence of reckless Trump foreign policy 176 innocent people die.
91. Trump is successful in getting Iran to restart its Nuclear Weapon development.
92. Trump rolls back clean water protections.
93. Trump threatens a House of Representatives member on Twitter.
94. Trump interferes in justice by decrying DoJ sentencing. They acquiesce to his illegal interference.
95. Purges government workers based on Trump "loyalty".
96. Donald Trump claims that Coronavirus is a hoax.
97. Trump didn't push for early testing 'because higher numbers would harm his re-election chances'.
98. He deliberately uses racist, provocative terminology to refer to the Coronavirus.
99. Rants on twitter about his great ratings while Americans die.
100. Fires a military ship captain for requesting help for his sailors.
101. Fires Intelligence Community watchdog for doing his job.
102. Has a meltdown on TV and spews out lies and propaganda about how he is doing.
103. Wants to defund the Post Office in order to damage voting.
104. Tweets out incendiary tweets encouraging lawlessness that might end up causing deaths.
105. Cannot deal with COVID-19 virus so he tweets out his bizzare hatred of Obama.
106. Continues to fight to take away your health insurance - the ACA. With no replacement.
107. Trump fires watchdog investigating arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
108. Lies about taking hydroxychloroquine. He shouldn't take and trying to encourage others is bad.
109. Blackmails states in an attempt to stop them from voting.
110. Tweets lies about murder allegations. Hurting many people.
111. Goes golfing on Memorial Day with 100,000 dead from pandemic.
112. Makes noises about hating to wear masks because of ego issues. This discourages others.
113. Trump visits swab factory without mask so factory has to throw away the entire day's production.
114. Make false claim that assaulted 75 year old was 'antifa'. Thereby threatening his life.
115. Trump suggests wearing a mask at Tulsa rally could be harmful.
116. Continued tweets by Trump of lying and manipulated videos.
117. Trump was briefed on Russian bounties for the death of American soldiers. Still promoted Putin.
118. Trump's conversations with foreign leaders described as 'delusional' and 'abominations'.
119. Trump's Secret Service agents told to wait to get tested for COVID-19. Trump attacks his own protection.
120. Commits impeachable act of bribery by commuting the sentence of Roger Stone.
121. Tries to discredit the nation's leading infectious disease expert.
122. Trump and daughter continue to violate the Hatch Act.
123. Has a press conference which turned out to be a campaign event.
124. Send federal agents to Portland to kidnap people.
125. Trump continues to push snake oil coronavirus cures.
126. Trump/Pompeo suggest the illegal postponement of the fall election.
127. Trump attacks foreign ownership of TikTok for personal reasons.
128. Herman Cain dies of Coronavirus after attending the Tulsa rally.
129. Trump attacks Postal Service voting even though he has used it.
130. Trump said that if re-elected he will destroy Social Security and Medicare.
131. He issues useless unconstitutional Executive Order supposedly to help the unemployed. It won't.
132. Trump deliberately sabotages the Post Office to damage mail voting.
133. He retweets proven false and racist material about his presidential opponent.
134. He is planning another Putin meeting prior November election. What for?
135. Trump manipulates the stock market by saying bad things about Goodyear.
136. He desperately trys everything to keep his tax returns from being seen.
137. Donald Trump compares police shooting to golfers who 'choke and miss putts'.
138. Trump tells someone at FEMA briefing to sell his signature on ebay for $10,000.
139. Documented several places, Trump called Americans who died in war 'Losers' and 'Suckers'.
130. Trump in a tweet called John McCain a 'Loser' for being caught by the North Vietamese.
131. Trump and the military click here. It is not pretty.
132. Trump admits in audio recording that he minimized coronavirus danger. Causing much death.
133. He defends close in person rally: "I'm on stage, and it's very far away". No thought about attendees.
134. The President blames the 'blue states' for Coronavirus. The US President.
135. Donald Trump said Covid-19 was a 'good thing' because he didn't have to shake hands with 'disgusting people'.
136. Trump describes Journalist hit by rubber bullet as 'A beautiful sight'.
137. Trump says on Coronavirus: 'It affects virtually nobody' but over 200,000 Americans have died of Coronavirus.
138. Trump says he wants to have a coup to take over the presidency.
139. In the debate, Trump breaks the agreed on rules and refuses to denounce white supremacy.
140. In the debate, Trump threatens voting with the so-called Proud Boys.
141. After chiding Biden in the debate for wearing a mask, Trump tweets he has tested positive.
142. Trump parades around Walter Reed while sick, threatening the lives of US Secret Service Agents.
143. Trump returns to the White House, still infected, threatening the lives of workers.
144. Trump pushes fake story about Biden's son. Remember Trump was impeached.
145. He says that women are dishwashers.
146. Trump attacks his own infectious disease expert as well as attacks science.
147. Trump continues to lie about tariffs. In reality China is not paying for them, US citizens are.
148. Tells women to get back to the kitchen.
149. Trump demands the vote count be stopped. While being behind in the count.
150. Trump fires Mark Esper as Trump wants active military to attack American civilians.
151. The Trump campaign accuses military families of 'criminal voter fraud'.
152. Trump ignores the Covid surge and people die while he pretends he won the election. He lost.
153. Trump tries to eliminate votes from areas of Michigan using racist measures.
154. Trump corruptly pardons convicted felon Michael Flynn.
155. He releases a 46 minute video of insane ridiculous lies.
156. Trump raises more than $170 million by lying about the election.
157. Trump is guilty of sedition by asking the governor of Georgia to overturn the election.
158. He continues to deny losing an election he lost and inspires treasonous Republican behavior.
159. Trump continues a government execution spree.
160. Trump falsely claims the runoff election in Georgia is 'illegal and invalid'.
161. Makes criminal call to Georgia's Secretary of State intending election fraud.
162. Trump incites violence at the capital building, then runs to the White House.
163. He instigates a violent coup to attempt to stay in the presidency. Four people die.
165. He claims to commit to an orderly transfer of power to president-elect Biden.
166. Trump regrets video promising smooth transfer of power.
167. Trump delays ordering flags flown at half-mast over federal buildings.
168. Donald John Trump is impeached by the House a second time.
169. Trump tells his aides not to pay his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani.
170. Over 386,000 Americans have died from Covid-19. Trump does not mention them.
171. It appears that Donald Trump is selling pardons in the last few days of his administration.
172. Trump extends Secret Service protection to 13 of his family members. Taxpayers on the hook.
173. Trump lifts Magnitsky sanctions against Russian Dan Gertler 5 days before leaving office.
174. Con man Trump is out as president.
175. Trump stole and hid highly classified documents and actively tried to not give them back.
176. Trump Chief of Staff says that Trump said that Adolph Hitler 'did a lot of good things'.
177. Trump tries to make Ashli Babbitt into a martyr but actually he is responsible for her death.
178. Grifter com man Trump is running for president again in 2024.
179. Jury find Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation. A judge calls it rape.
180. Trump has been charged in 4 separate criminal cases with 91 charges total.
181. US court rules that con man Trump does not have presidential immunity.
182. Trump says he will encourage Russia to attack NATO countries.
183. Donald Trump is convicted of 34 felonies.
184. Trump says of US soldiers with brain injuries: "They had a headache".
185. Donald Trump pushes the lies about Haitian immigrants.
186. Trump reelected. An American tragedy. Misogyny and racism won.
187. Idiots and crooks are selected by Trump to help run the presidency.
188. Matt Gaetz for Attorney General is a slap in the face of law enforcement.
189. Trump wants an idiot anti-vaxxer to head the HHS. Death is invited to the table.
190. Trump wants to cut veterans medical benefits.
200. One goal of the Trump GOP is the theft of your Social Security and Medicare.
201. The GOP also want to kill the ACA (Obamacare) and public education.
202. So-called president elect employs Musk and Ramaswamy to destroy your government.
203. Gaetz is out but Bondi whom Trump gave $25,000 to is in for AG.
204. A bit ironic that Trump wants to execute rapists.
205. Trump threatens Panama (which has monetary relationships to Trump) and Greenland.
206. The GOP cut funding to the IRS so that they could cheat on taxes more easily.
207. Trump says he supports laying off American workers to hire H-1B workers at slave wages.
208. Not only does Dementia Trump suffer from Mental decay, he suffers from Moral Decay.
209. Demanding to know loyalty of civil servants working for your tax dollars. (Fascism.)
210. Special Counsel report comes out and says that Trump would have been convicted. (See above.)
211. Trump spews a flurry of Executive Orders that hurt the American people. Some unconstitutional.
212. Trump spews a flurry of Executive Orders that hurt the American people. Some illegal.
213. New Trump Secretary of Defense attacks lifetime military veteran.
214. Trump strips medical care from over 50 million Americans.
215. Trump wants to build concentration camps at Guantanamo.
216. Donald Trump forces out FBI agents who were doing their job.
217. Trump invokes high tarriffs against our greatest trading partners.
218. Elon Musk gets access to all of your Social Security records.
219. He will poison your air, water, land and children with his fossil fuel EPA appointments.
220. Musk breaks into the OPM and has access to all of your SF-86 forms. Sounds familiar.
221. Trump Musk are trying to implement Project2025 to corrupt the government.
222. NOAA is a target. They want to kill your weather service for their profit.

Useful Books To Read

Proof of Collusion - by Seth Abramson
Proof of Conspiracy - by Seth Abramson
Blowout - by Rachel Maddow
Proof of Corruption - by Seth Abramson
Too Much Never Enough - by Mary L Trump
Rage - by Bob Wordward
Disloyal - by Michael Cohen
American Kompromat - by Craig Unger
It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump - by Stuart Stevens

List of Republican Traitors who want to destroy America by nullifying your vote

Other on Donald Trump (Doe vs Trump)

Words to describe Donald John Trump: traitor impeached charlatan betrayer con artist crook hypocrite grifter impostor swindler trickster chiseler deceiver decoy defrauder dodger double-crosser double-dealer fake masquerader pretender quack conniver cozener enticer inveigler sociopath

Remember that the actual goal of the GOP is to enrich the already rich oligarchs. They want more tax breaks for the rich. They want to steal your Social Security. They are using hatred, racism and lies as their key methods to get that. The GOP has hatred for America if they are willing to destroy it in order to profit. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, The Koch Brothers and the Mercers are some of the leaders of this scam. If you voted for the GOP candidate thinking he would help the outcast or the poor or even some racial group you are very deceived. Donald Trump and the GOP are a friend of the rich and only the rich.

Relief from Con man Donald Trump. Click below (It really is safe!):

The Donald Trump presidency and cabinet will be a severe regression toward the past. The hate, the ignorance, the intolerance, and the greed will greatly damage our Earth and the United States of America. It is possible that they will lead to the destruction of our ecology. Our age is called the Holocene Epoch. It is highly likely that humans will not survive it. The Trump presidency is wholly designed as a kleptocracy to enrich firstly the Trump family and secondly the already very rich. No provisions for the poor or middle class will be made and no promises that Trump made to voters will be kept. We really need far more vision in order to survive. We are better than this. This video contains what I consider to be the most forward looking content that I can find. Thanks Carl Sagan for keeping me alive! The rich have decieved you Trump voters!

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