Donald John Trump is a flim flam man and foreign agent who sold Trump Voters a bill of goods
"President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin" - John McCain
"He's an idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails. We're in Crazytown." - Chief of Staff John Kelly on Donald Trump
"He's actually worse than a racist. He is so narcissistic, he doesn't see people as people. He seems them as objects in his field of vision. And so therefore, that's why he has no empathy." - Anthony Scaramucci on Donald Trump
Words to describe Donald John Trump:
traitor impeached charlatan betrayer con artist crook hypocrite grifter impostor swindler trickster chiseler deceiver decoy defrauder dodger double-crosser double-dealer fake masquerader pretender quack conniver cozener enticer inveigler sociopath
Remember that the actual goal of the GOP is to enrich the already rich oligarchs. They want more tax breaks for the rich. They want to steal your Social Security. They are using hatred, racism and lies as their key methods to get that. The GOP has hatred for America if they are willing to destroy it in order to profit. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, The Koch Brothers and the Mercers are some of the leaders of this scam. If you voted for the GOP candidate thinking he would help the outcast or the poor or even some racial group you are very deceived. Donald Trump and the GOP are a friend of the rich and only the rich.
Relief from Con man Donald Trump. Click below (It really is safe!):